Why You Should Go Green
There are so many reasons to go green and work on leading a more sustainable lifestyle. Arguably one of the most compelling reasons is to improve the health of our planet. There is no Planet B, there is just our one planet, our one Earth. The Earth does a lot for us. It host all 7.9 billion people on the planet. It gives us the resources to nourish our bodies, build our homes, schools and hospitals, and develop new medical advances. It holds hundreds of unique ecosystems with rich biodiversity. The Earth is bountiful and beautiful. We would be nothing without the Earth. It deserves to be treated well. No matter what you believe brought about our planet, the truth of it's benevolence remains the same and it's health is vital to our own.
However, if the welfare of our planet is not enough of a reason to go green for you, there are plenty more reasons, reasons that benefit you as an individual, that should encourage you to go green.
Going green saves you some green.
It is cost efficient to go green!
You save money cutting down on energy consumption. This is two fold. You can save money by using less energy, turning off the tv when you're not using it, turning off lights, waiting to wash your laundry or dishes until the load is full, etc. This is very intuitive but also very affective! Second, you can save money on energy cost by using more efficient green modes of energy.
You save money on your water bill. Using more sustainable and efficient products, like Energy Star products, will reduce the amount of water you consume. Likewise, a water efficient plumping system will help save the amount of money you spend on water consumption.
You save money shopping second-hand. Shopping second-hand benefits the environment in a few ways. If you buy an item, giving it new life and purpose, that item is not going to the landfill, it's being reused. Likewise, you are fulfilling an need you have without relying on the production of a new item. Less production leads to less resource consumption, as well as potentially less pollutants being emitted as an externality of producing fast goods. Shopping second-hand, as we all know, is also better for your wallet. Plus, you get to find some unique and fun items for your home and closet as well.
You save money shopping less. Rethink what your needs truly are. Try to only buy what you need and by consuming less, you are demanding less production of goods. And of course, buying less saves you money.
Going green saves lives.
Air and water pollution is harmful to both wildlife and humans alike. Air pollution is a major health risk that can lead to the premature death of millions around the world. Air and water pollution disproportionally affects the poorer, warmer countries across the globe as well. When the world is this big, it's hard to feel one small person can make a difference. Being accountable for your actions can save the lives of those you may never meet and truly does make a global impact.
Going green and find independence.
Being more sustainable goes hand in hand with being more self-sufficient and self-reliable. Have your own garden to produce your own fruits and vegetables. Produce your own energy with solar energy. Make your own compost. Make your own clothes even!
Going green by eating green.
Eating green improves your overall health as well as the environment. Eating green looks like buying local, organic, and in-season products. You do not have to be vegan to eat more mindfully and sustainably. The impacts of eating local products are vast. It improves the local economy and reduces the distance from farm to table. This means less greenhouse gasses are emitted to transport products and the food will be fresher.
Supporting organic farming practices encourages responsible land-use and eliminates the amounts of pesticides, chemicals and hormones that you will consume, improving your health.
Going green by traveling green.
Traveling green takes many forms- traveling less, public transportation and green travel are all suitable options. What will improve your health the most is to take the opportunity to walk or bike instead of drive when the opportunity is present. Both are great for your physical and mental health. Choosing to walk or bike to your destination will also make you feel less in a rush to get to where you need to be. Believe me, and try it for yourself! You certainly will not have road rage and you can embrace some vitamin D.
Going green with non-toxic products.
Green products do not contain any harmful toxins or chemicals. Switching over to the non-toxic alternative of eco-friendly products will improve your skin and body, again, improving your overall health and the health of the environment as well. Your skin is the largest organ of your body, so you should be mindful of the products you use that can affect your skin.
Eleni. (2017, March 13). The 28 best reasons to go green you need to know. Green Diva Mom. Retrieved February 15, 2022, from https://www.greendivamom.com/reasons-to-go-green/
Rinkesh, A. (2020, August 31). 25+ good reasons to go green to save our mother earth. Conserve Energy Future. Retrieved February 15, 2022, from https://www.conserve-energy-future.com/21-good-reasons-to-go-green.php​