How to Go Plastic Free
Going plastic free is a subset of going green. It takes a dedicated level of commitment to moving to zero waste. Going completely plastic free in modern society is very challenging, yet nonetheless, still possible.
Why go plastic free?
Most plastic is not biodegradable. Most plastic that was ever produced still exists today.
Plastic has been linked to cancers and other ailments.
Plastic has entered the food web of sea animals. One fourth of fish tested contain plastic in their system.
Thousands of sea creatures each year are killed by mistaking plastic bags for jellyfish.
Plastic is entering the oceans at the rate of a dump truck full per minute, leading scientist to predict by 2050, there will be more weight in plastic than fish in the ocean.
More then 40% of plastic is single use plastic, just used once, producing an immense amount of waste
You can save money long-term by avoiding single use plastic.

Picture: Unsplash, Jon Tyson
How to start your plastic free journey.
BYOB (bring your own bag): avoid using plastic grocery bags by bringing your own bag
use reusable snack bags as opposed to ziplock
stop consuming single use water bottles and switch to a reusable bottle
use reusable straws or pass on them all together
bring your own coffee cup when you go to grab a cup of joe
buy in bulk to cut down on plastic packaging over time
ask restaurants if they could put leftovers or takeout in your reusable containers
support plastic free businesses!
have reusable utensils on you instead of relying on plastic forks
cut out plastic beverages from your diet (probably better for your health anyhow)
try to use less packaged frozen food and more fresh food in your meals
buy food and produce that does not use plastic containers, bags or wrapping
buy plastic free gum
buy non-plastic bathroom essentials, such as toiletries that come in paper wrapping and a non-plastic tooth brush.
swap plastic scrubbers and sponges for natural products to clean your dishes
buy cleaners that come in non-plastic containers
chose makeup that is natural and comes in non-plastic containers
stop using cling wrap, use natural bees-wax coated wraps
make your own snacks at home to cut down on packaging
repair instead of replace plastic items that you do use
chose pet toys that are made of natural material
try out reusable, washable diapers!
Ultimately, the key is looking for alternatives for the items you consume, seeing if there is a plastic free option, even if it means thinking outside the box. Often times, there is an alternative solution available. It takes dedication and conscious planning to lead a plastic free, or close to plastic free life.


glass containers

reusable, sustainably made snack bags

reusable straws
Culture, W. (2019, February 21). The scary reasons you need to go plastic-free right now - wholesome culture. Blog. Retrieved March 24, 2022, from https://blog.wholesomeculture.com/the-scary-reasons-you-need-to-go-plastic-free-in-2019/
Terry, B. (2007). 100 steps to a plastic-free life " My plastic-free life. My Plastic-free Life. Retrieved March 24, 2022, from https://myplasticfreelife.com/plasticfreeguide/
Well Earth Goods. (n.d.). Why plastic free? Well Earth Goods. Retrieved March 24, 2022, from https://wellearthgoods.com/pages/why-plastic-free#:~:text=Tens%20of%20thousands%20of%20marine,endocrine%20disruption%20and%20other%20ailments.